Couple & Honeymoon Safaris

Couple & Honeymoon Safari In Tanzania

This country offers a fantastic combination of adventure and romance. The game viewing is exceptionally good, and Tanzania offers a number of small, intimate, and authentic camps and lodges, many of which provide the option to book a private vehicle for game drives.
Additionally, you can combine your safari in Tanzania with beach time on Zanzibar! Most of our clients who choose Tanzania for their honeymoon want to start with a safari before spending a few days relaxing on an idyllic beach. However, you can easily spend time on the beach first, followed by a safari – the choice is yours!


    "When it comes to safari destinations, Tanzania divides into two areas – the famous ‘Northern Circuit’ and the off-the-beaten-track south."

    Serengeti National Park

    Many people think that the great wildebeest migration only happens once a year, but the migration is in fact an all-year-round event -- with each time of year offering a unique widlife experience. Select a month below to find out what each month offers in terms of weather, wildlife, migratory movements, predator interactions, river crossings and where the best place to stay is, to get the most out of your trip to see the great wildebeest migration. January February March April May June July/August September/October November/December

  • Ngorongoro Crater

    The views from the Crater rim are sure to have you gasping with awe. Well worth a visit for the scenic vistas alone, the Crater is also home to some incredible big game, including big tusker elephants, large prides of lion and herds of buffalo that often stand up to the big cats..

  • Selous Game Reserve

    The Selous is a watery world filled with palm trees, boat cruises, and of course some wonderful wildlife. This reserve is perfect for a quiet and romantic safari!

  • Zanzibar Islands

    Zanzibar is a fantastic option for a beach break. There are a number of superb beach options, with prices varying hugely. There are also other surrounding islands that cater for big diving fans (Mafia and Pemba) and a few private islands, see Mnemba and Fanjove, for the ultimate exclusive experience.